A very large listed company production plant was at a standstill, losing millions in revenue. As the plant stood while their team could not resolve the problem. They called for help from an entrepreneur in the industry. He arrived, walked around for 15 minutes, and then proceeded to take out his spanner and tighten a screw. Suddenly the plant came alive and the production started to roll again.
The GM turned to the entrepreneur saying “Thank you, thank you! How much do I owe you?” He thought for a while, took out his pen, wrote on the back of a cigarette box and handed it to the GM. Shocked, the GM read R100k. “How can that be? You were here for 15 minutes.” The entrepreneur turned to the GM and said, “It’s R1 for turning the screw but R99 999 for knowing which screw to turn. Know your value.”
ORIGINAL IMAGE SOURCE: The embrace of a wish by Jade Rivera in Dominican Republic